Killing floor 2 scrake weakness
Killing floor 2 scrake weakness

There's no logical reason that husk should have been able to get ahead of me like that, and it's completely infuriating to have a successful run fail in an instant because of random, unpredictable nonsense like that. He torched me instantly with his flamethrower and killed me before I could even switch weapons. I ran from the streets into a building, leaving the husk behind me, went up some stairs, opened a door, and found the husk right in front of me. I'd made it through several waves already and felt good about possibly being able to beat the level. By leaving one zed alive, I was planning to delay the trader phase long enough to scrounge the map for ammo crates, so that I could save money and afford my top-tier weapon the next round. In another situation, I was soloing Burning Paris on suicidal, and killed everything down to the last zed, which happened to be a husk. Would you rather have a larger health pool, or have your health regenerate over time? Would you rather deal 20% more damage in single-fire mode, or reload your weapons 20% faster? It's a simple change, but having the choice makes leveling far more satisfying and adds more strategic depth to the game. Every five levels, you're given a choice between two separate bonuses, which you can freely swap between waves.

killing floor 2 scrake weakness killing floor 2 scrake weakness

Killing Floor 2 offers players a much more steady reward cycle by sub-dividing levels each level-up grants less significant statistical rewards, but they occur more frequently, and there are a lot more of them, so that you feel like you're constantly making small steps to each new threshold when you can unlock a new skill. Leveling up in KF1 often felt like a tedious grind, mainly in terms of the time requirement, which was compounded by certain agonizing leveling objectives that slowed it down even further.

killing floor 2 scrake weakness

Leveling up still helps a lot, though, and thankfully the leveling system is way better this time around.

Killing floor 2 scrake weakness